Why Sponsor?

What an exciting time to partner with SCPPA! As a sponsor of our 2024 Annual Conference, you are helping to shape the future of utilities. Your partnership makes it possible for SCPPA to present you with speakers, panelists, and other leaders in the industry to challenge us into the next steps of public power. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Sponsor Type

$6,500Gold Sponsor

Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your company and network with hundreds of utility experts at the same time? This sponsorship opportunity will let you do it all! You and your guest will get full access to the conference to interact with professionals in the industry and promote your company’s services. Your company will be recognized extensively in the conference program and event website.

Two (2) Registrations | Recognition | Prominent Logo Placement

Click Here to Reserve Your Sponsorship


$3,500Silver Sponsor

Attend this exhilarating one-day conference to promote your company’s services and network with industry experts. Your company’s name will be recognized on the conference program and prominent logo placement on the conference website.

One (1) Registration | Recognition | Prominent Logo Placement

Click Here to Reserve Your Sponsorship


$2,000Bronze Sponsor

The Bronze Sponsor package offers a great opportunity for you to promote your company’s services by being recognized in the conference program and have prominent logo placement on the conference website.

Recognition | Prominent Logo Placement

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot



(626) 793-9364 ext. 221

SCPPA Admin Team