Day 1: Monday, September 30, 2019
- Introduction to AEE/CEM
- Why Energy Management is Important
- Awareness of
- Global trends on energy, economy and our environment
- Selling points for energy projects
- Energy Basics, Fuel Supply and Pricingo
- Awareness of:
- Energy conversions factors and where they are applied
- Difference between energy and power
- Components that make up electrical, natural gas, water and sewer rates
- Procuring electric and natural gas energy when choice is available
- Benchmarking energy Informationo
- Ability to:
- Calculate an electric energy bill from rate & usage information
- Conduct “Point of Use” cost comparisons for equipment
- Calculate energy usage index and energy cost index
- Energy Auditso
- Awareness of:
- Energy programs
- Levels of energy audits
- Ability to:
- Do basic energy audit functions and estimates
- Instrumentation
- Awareness of:
- Different data collection technologies and instruments related to energy systems
- Data logging and communication techniques Advantages and disadvantages
- Ability to:
- Apply the correct instruments in the field
- Codes and Standards
- Awareness of Relevant ASHRAE Standards
- Ability to: Estimate minimum air flow requirements
- High Performance Green Buildings
- Awareness of:
- Leadership for Energy and Environmental Design (“LEED”)
- Energy Star Program and some useful tools
Day 2: Tuesday, October 1, 2019
- Energy Accounting and Economics
- Awareness of:
- Economic Evaluation terminology
- Time Value of Money, Net Preset Value, Life Cycle Cost, IRR, Simple Payback, etc.
- Ability to:
- Calculate the Net Present Value, Life Cycle Cost, IRR, SIR and Simple Payback for typical projects
- Choose the best metric to gain approval for your projects
- Electrical Power Systems
- Awareness of:
- Electrical Basics
- Additional Power Quality Factors
- Important 3 φ Motor equations
- Ability to:
- Estimate savings from Power Factor improvement
- Use motor equations to estimate power consumption
- Motors and Drives
- Awareness of:
- Motor terminology and performance factors
- Load factors
- Fan or “Affinity” laws
- Variable flow options, variable frequency drive
- Ability to:
- Estimate motor loads
- Estimate savings from installing Energy Efficient Motors and installing VSDs
- Lighting Systems
- Awareness of Lighting Terminology
- Ability to:
- Identify lighting retrofit opportunities and savings
- Avoid common mistakes of lighting retrofits
- Simple estimates on lighting design
- Maintenance and Commissioning
- Awareness of:
- Maintenance and commissioning terminology and overview
- Useful maintenance technologies
- Ability to estimate savings from maintenance activities
- Ability to estimate savings from maintenance activities
Day 3: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
- HVAC Systems
- Awareness of:
- Types of functions of HVAC systems
- Innovative developments
- Ability to:
- Discuss various HVAC Energy Efficiency measures
- Calculate Heat Transfer (Sensible and Latent Heat)
- Utilize the psychrometric chart
- Building Envelope
- Awareness of:
- Building Envelope Terminology and Functions
- Different sources of heat gain/loss in buildings
- Solar heat gain coefficient
- Ability to:
- Do heat conduction and convection calculations
- Calculate R values
- Perform seasonal energy consumption calculations
- Use Degree Day formulas
- Building Automation and Control Systems
- Awareness of:
- Controls Terminology
- Energy Information Systems and Building Automation Systems
- Energy Savings Strategies
- Ability to identify systems and opportunities for savings
- Thermal Energy Storage Systems
- Awareness of:
- TES Terminology, Basic Designs
- Peak shaving strategies
- Storage media options
- Ability to:
- Calculate approximate savings
- Calculate approximate storage size
Day 4: Thursday, October 3, 2019
- Boiler and Steam Systems
- Awareness of:
- Terminology
- Water tube, Fire tube, Condensing boilers
- Saturated & Superheated steam
- Ability to:
- Estimate combustion efficiency
- Calculate heat flows and enthalpy values using steam tables
- Describe opportunities to save energy
- CHP Systems and Renewable Energy
- Awareness of:
- The benefits of using a CHP system
- The basic types of prime movers used for CHP projects
- Comparing CHP fuel & operating costs vs. utilities
- The different types of renewable energy and storage techniques
- RECs, PPAs, Net Zero
- Ability to:
- Calculate a basic fuel equation for a CHP system
- Compare different types of renewable energy and storage technologies
- Industrial Systems
- Awareness of:
- Pump systems
- Compressed Air
- Waste Heat recovery
- Ability to:
- Basic savings estimates for pumps, compressed air and waste heat recovery
- Identify some energy waste streams within industrial facilities
- Energy Savings Performance Contracting – Measurement & Verification
- Awareness of:
- 3rd Party financing options
- Performance contracting terminology
- M&V terminology
- Ability to determine which M&V approach is best for an ECM
Day 5: Friday, October 4, 2019