Agenda & Instructor


Session 1: Making a Case for Distributed Energy Resources

  • Setting the context – the dispatch curve (for both competitive markets and vertically integrated)
    • Concept of marginal costs, and characterization by resource
      • Dispatchable resources
      • Variable renewable resources
      • Energy Storage
  • Products in competitive markets – what gets bought and sold
    • Energy – Day Ahead and Real Time
      • How those markets work
    • Capacity/Resource Adequacy
      • A brief review of capacity markets
    • Ancillary Services
      • How priced
      • Participants
    • Frequency Regulation
      • How priced
      • Participants
  • The distribution grid – current inefficiencies, reliability issues, and constraints
    • Issues relating to meeting peak demand (load factor)
    • Regulatory models, (e.g. NY REV, MA SMART)
    • Tension between bulk power systems and distribution companies and the growing need for coordination
  • The customer view
    • Customer cost management/flexibility, including management ofdemand charges and peak monthly fees
    • The ability to meet growing reliability and resilience considerations
  • The challenge of integrating intermittent renewable resources and decarbonizing the grid
    • Production curve solar
    • Production curve wind
    • Cycling of conventional resources and associated costs and emissions
  • Initial distributed energy resources use cases
    • Brooklyn Queens Demand Management
    • Hawaii Water Heater Program
    • SunRun, Sonnen, Sunnova, and Swell Virtual Power Plant

Session 2: Identifying and Qualifying the Resources

  • The technologies
    • Commerciali
      • HVAC controls
      • On-site generation 
      • Thermal storage (ice and other media)
      • Batteriesv. Smart EV chargers
      • Bi-directional EV chargers
    • Residential
      • Smart thermostats
      • Controllable air conditioners
      • Water heaters
      • Pool pumps
      • Smart EV chargers
      • Bi-directional EV chargers
      • Solar installations (& inverters)
      • Batteries (& inverters) Water heaters

  • Qualifying the resources
    • The example of pool pumps in California
  • Aggregation
    • Communication and coordination among various assets from multiple vendors
    • Remote monitoring and state of readiness
    • Dispatch and portfolio management – vendor control vs utility control
  • Cyber-security concerns
    • The risk of connecting IT to operational technology/SCADA – lessons from the Ukraine and other warnings
    • The risk of large populations of distributed assets to the distribution and bulk power system
      • Sunspec Alliance
      • California Rule 21 – inverter focused approach

    Session 3: Resource Planning and Optimization

    • Assigning value to DERS in the resource planning process
      • The increasing value of optionality in a rapidly evolving ecosystem
      • Determining desired levels and valuations across a time horizon
      • Understanding limitations and creating portfolio approaches
      • The need for thorough modeling
    • Best planning practices for incorporating renewables and DERS
      • Understanding potential and limitations
      • Costs and performance considerations
      • The necessity – and challenge - of communication and cooperation between grid operators and distribution companies
    • Effective program design
      • Motivating customer participation in DER programs
      • Effectively program design with pricing and technology
      • Evaluating appropriate technologies (and quantities) to achieve targeted outcomes
      • The critical need for timely, accurate, and granular market-based locational information
    • Policy and rate structures
      • The importance of the policy and regulatory landscape
      • Federal policy drivers (e.g., FERC 841 and 2222)
      • Tax incentives and other subsidies
      • State and local policy drivers (RECs, RPS)
    • The increasing need for an evolving and secure grid architecture
      • The challenge of growing bi-direction flows/transactive power
      • Monitoring and power quality concerns


      Peter Kelly-Detwiler, Co-founder, NorthBridge Energy Partners, LLC

      Peter Kelly-Detwiler has 30 years of experience in the electric energy arena, with much of his career in various areas of competitive power markets.  He’s a former SVP at Constellation Energy, having run their Demand Response Group.  He’s currently a strategist and communicator in the electric industry, focused on the rapid pace of transformation to a sustainable energy economy.  Peter has written over 300 pieces on the topic for and other publications.  He offers numerous keynotes and workshops on a wide range of topics from offshore wind to batteries to the drivers of technological change.  He provides strategic advice to clients and investors, helping them to navigate this transitional period.

      He is currently writing a book on the transformation of electric power markets, called “The Energy Switch,” to be published by Prometheus Books in the Spring of 2021 


         (626) 793-9364 ext. 212