Course Topics & Instructor

Course Topics

  • Market assessment — identifying customer barriers and motivations and using market research techniques to inform program design
  • Program design — selecting a program approach to match utility and customer goals and resources to overcome customer barriers
  • Cost-effective programs for different customer classes — prescriptive and custom rebates, upstream programs, financing, etc.
  • Design Thinking exercises to generate ideas and insights to inform program design
  • Behavioral science insights and marketing techniques to effectively engage customers


Elizabeth Palchak, Ph.D., Senior Consultant, VEIC
Elizabeth is a Senior Consultant at the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) with a PhD in behavioral science. She brings the customer perspective to the energy industry in her work with utilities across the country. She supports program design on an array of efficiency solutions with emphasis on underserved customers like low-income customers and communities of color. Beyond her work designing programs for utilities, she works closely with universities and colleges and other commercial customers on sustainability challenges and strategic energy management. Elizabeth has a long career in teaching and is an adjunct professor at the University of Vermont and Vermont Law School.


   (626) 793-9364 ext. 212