April 28, 2022

Designing Efficiency Program to Serve Your Customers (online)

Course Overview

Who do you want to reach with your programs? How will you do this? Many utilities are leveraging insights from the fields of marketing and behavioral science to better meet the needs of their customers. The shifts occurring in the energy industry make this more important than ever. Learn how to design an energy efficiency program that achieves your utility’s strategic goals while serving your customers. Learn how to define and target specific customer markets and deliver the value that customers expect. Integrate Design Thinking exercises and other program planning tools to generate ideas and insights to inform program design. You’ll walk away from this course with tools that you can leverage immediately to improve your programs. Click here to register!

Who Should Attend

This practical course is designed for utility staff and policymakers that are interested in learning about energy efficiency program design and design thinking concepts.

Registration Info

Provider: American Public Power Authority (APPA)

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022

Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Length: half day

Platform: online

Capacity: minimum of 15 attendees; maximum of 50 attendees

Estimated Enrollment Fee

SCPPA MEMBER RATE (per attendee)

$100 - $350

(NOTE: the actual cost will be based on the final number of attendees and billed directly to the respective utilities. SCPPA Members do not need to make any payments online.)    


   (626) 793-9364 ext. 212